Puppy Application
​If you are interested in a Kettle Cove Doberman Puppy, please fill out our puppy application. Upon completion, send it to us via email at KettleCoveDobe@aol.com and we will reach out to you.
We realize this may be time-consuming but we are very careful when placing our puppies into their new homes. We want to ensure a match that will last a lifetime!!

Pet/Companion Puppies:
Are sold with a limited registration on a spay/neuter contract
Show Prospects:
Are sold on a co-ownership to first-time show owners. We will only sell a show puppy outright to proven show homes. You must have titled a Doberman/Whippet with an AKC American Championship in the past five years and you must have a reference from a professional Doberman or Whippet handler or two DPCA/AWC members if you are an owner/handler. This is to protect the pedigrees of our bitches and stud dogs.